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Journal Articles

  • A. Radhakrishnan, H. Le Berre, B. Wilfong, J.-S. Spratt, M. Rodriguez Jr., T. Colonius, S. H. Bryngelson. Method for scalable and performant GPU-accelerated simulation of multiphase compressible flow, Comp. Phys. Comm. 2024 

  • J. Yang, A. McGhee, G. Radtke, M. Rodriguez, and C. Franck, Estimating viscoelastic, soft material properties using a modified Rayleigh cavitation bubble collapse time, Phys. Fluids 36 (2024) 017136-1--9 

  • E. Hersey, M. Rodriguez, E. Johnsen, Dynamics of an oscillating microbubble in a blood-like Carreau fluid, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2023 153 1836-1845. (LINK

  • M. Rodriguez, S. A. Beig, E. Johnsen, and C. N. Barbier, Dynamics of an inertially collapsing gas bubble between two parallel, rigid walls. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022 946 A43-1-21. (LINK)

  • Spratt, J.-S., Rodriguez, M., Schmidmayer, K., Bryngelson, S. H., Yang, J., Franck, C., & Colonius, T. (2021). Characterizing viscoelastic materials via ensemble-based data assimilation of bubble collapse observations. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids152, 104455. (LINK)

  • Mancia, L., Rodriguez, M., Sukovich, J. R., Haskel, S., Xu, Z., & Johnsen, E. (2021). Acoustic Measurements of Nucleus Size Distribution at the Cavitation Threshold. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 1, 1–6. (LINK)

  • Mancia, L., Rodriguez, M., Sukovich, J., Xu, Z., & Johnsen, E. (2020). Single-bubble dynamics in histotripsy and high-amplitude ultrasound: Modeling and validation. Phys. Med. Biol., 65, 225014. (LINK)

  • Wilson, C. T., Hall, T. L., Johnsen, E., Mancia, L., Rodriguez, M., Lundt, J. E., Colonius, T., Henann, D. L., Franck, C., Xu, Z., & Sukovich, J. R. (2019). Comparative study of the dynamics of laser and acoustically generated bubbles in viscoelastic media. Phys. Rev. E, 99, 043103. (LINK)

  • Mancia, L., Vlaisavljevich, E., Yousefi, N., Rodriguez, M., Ziemlewicz, T. J., Lee, F. T., Henann, D., Franck, C., Xu, Z., & Johnsen, E. (2019). Modeling tissue-selective cavitation damage. Phys. Med. Biol., 64, 225001. (LINK)

  • Rodriguez, M., Johnsen, E., & Powell, K. G. (2019). A high-order accurate AUSM+-up approach for simulations of compressible multiphase flows with linear viscoelasticity. Shock Waves, 29, 717–734. (LINK)

  • Rodriguez, M., & Johnsen, E. (2019). A high-order accurate five-equations compressible multiphase approach for viscoelastic fluids and solids with relaxation and elasticity. J. Comput. Phys., 379, 70–90. (LINK)

  • Padhy, S., Rodriguez, M., Shaqfeh, E. S. G., Iaccarino, G., Morris, J. F., & Tonmukayakul, N. (2013). The effect of shear thinning and walls on the sedimentation of a sphere in an elastic fluid under orthogonal shear. J. Nonnewton. Fluid Mech., 201, 120–129. (LINK)

Conference Proceedings

  • Rodriguez, M., Bryngelson, S. H., Cao, S., & Colonius, T. (2021). A unified Eulerian multiphase framework for fluid-structure interaction problems including cavitation. XXV International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.

  • Rodriguez, M., Bryngelson, S. H., & Colonius, T. (2021). Acoustically-induced bubble growth and phase change dynamics near compliant surfaces. 11th International Symposium on Cavitation.

  • Rodriguez, M., Hasbun, I., Estrada, J. L., & Renaud, D. (2021). On the effect of SHPE’s social-cognitiveleadership theory to Hispanic STEM professionals’ leadership self-efficacy (work in progress). ASEE CoNECD, 1–15. (LINK)


  • Rodriguez, M. (2018). Numerical Simulations of Bubble Dynamics Near Viscoelastic Media. University of Michigan; Ph.D. thesis. (LINK)

@ Brown University.

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